Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Origin

I always think of things that I would say if I actually maintained a blog, the problem is I don't. I always get distracted or don't finish my thought or don't have enough to say and so it never gets posted. Not even in those silly notes on facebook. I just added facebook to my computer's dictionary because I am tired of having to fix it and there is a bunch of other stuff that probably shouldn't be in my computer's dictionary that came preset so why not add facebook. Oh, one thing, be warned, I LOVE run-on sentences. If it is just me writing without a purpose and especially without an editor there will be lots and lots of run-on sentences. So if it bothers you, well, you've probably already given up and if you haven't you will soon. Other than that I will try to avoid any major grammatical error but I make no promises.

Anyway, I was going to explain why I decided to start a blog. I have things to say, I like stream of consciousness writing (I get that from my dad). Why not share those thoughts with the internet. It would make me feel a little bit less silly for thinking them. Oh, the origin of the title. Right. The title of the blog comes from this really cool quote that I found:

"The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, this in turn makes us think more deeply about life, which helps us regain our equilibrium." ~Norbet Platt

I like it because I think its very true to what I am doing. Pausing to thought by putting fingers to keys rather than pen to paper because it is 2010 after all.

Right now the main thing on my mind is that tomorrow night my family leaves for the 9 hour drive to Reno for Nevada's Grand Assembly. Then on Tuesday we're leaving Reno to go to Pendleton for Oregon Grand Assembly.

Its all very exciting.