Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Stupid Sickness and some more exciting events

I've been rambling on about going to Omaha long enough I might as well give an update once we get there. The flights were relatively good, I slept through the 2nd one (Denver to Omaha) which was exactly what I needed at the time because it gave me enough energy once I got to Omaha to get my hair up and to get to lunch and to rush at lunch and to get to practice. I wasn't one of the first ones to Jurisdictional Skit Practice but I wasn't the last either, so that made me happy because I'm such a freak about time and everything, I just want to be early and to know what is going on. I just really want to be in control of everything. I can't help it. I think thats why I act so motherly over all the girls because its a way I can have control but still show them that I care and if I am saying something in that sort of mom tone I do it because I want something to be better for them. Honestly, I really like being the mom, its not like I force it or like I try it just sort of comes out and thats the way I act and if they are okay with it and don't think I'm being overly controlling or too overbearing then maybe it is just a system that works. Maybe for this year I can just be the "Mama Turtle". I stole this from Nevada, their GWAA is their "Mama and then whatever the mascot is" so this year Jennifer is their "Mama Bug" Its just such a nice idea because I totally understand that sometimes the GWA just has too much stuff going on or too many things to do and so if I can be there for the girls whenever they need me I really love that and it makes me happy that I am able to do that for them.

Anyway, the rest of the Omaha trip, past Jurisdictional Skit Practice, was pretty much one big stomach and head ache, they just hurt and it was not okay. I spent a lot of time laying in bed from then on just resting because I really had no energy to move and when I did bother to move my stomach ache just got worse. The adults (Mrs. Trushiem and Mrs. Dole, I don't know if the other ones knew or cared) were pretty nice about it and let me skip dinner and brought me back some chicken noodle soup, which was really salty but absolutely delicious.

The only thing I have left before sleep is that I really want to wait until Kyle gets off work because I haven't really been able to talk to him and I just have this feeling that he is having a bad day at work, the only problem with that is the stupid time difference. It will be midnight here by the time he gets off work and then he still has to drive home before we can really even talk and so it'll probably end up being 1 before I go to bed which is a really really really stupid idea considering the sleeping schedule that I have been on recently so I'm going to try and prevent it, but I care about him so really, what can I do?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Omaha and other ramblings

In creating this title I realized my 3 titles so far have started with O's, how weird is that. I'm supposed to be asleep right now, I told Kyle I was going to sleep but I can't until I at least get this out. Hopefully it won't take long and I always attempt to stay awake until he responds anyway.

So Omaha this year is the location of Supreme Assembly, and I have so many feelings on this mystical event, and I keep wishing I would have gone to Chicago, but at that point in my Rainbow career I really just wasn't ready and you know, I know that and I'm okay with that, but the problem now is that I have to face Omaha as my first Supreme Assembly. I'm freaked out, okay, I admit it. I am completely and totally freaked out about going. I'm scared that I'll be too shy to meet anyone, or that the people I do meet won't like me. I'm scared that I'll get lost or get left or just I don't know not enjoy the whole experience. Then at the same time I'm getting really amped up that I get to be a part of this amazing International event, its pretty much crazy. I'm going to be a Jurisdictional Skit Representative which means I have to get up in front of everyone and talk about Oregon Rainbow which also scares me especially since I am supposed to have that thing memorized and I don't because I have been working so darn hard on memorizing all of my ritual work for supreme. Its just all one big jumbled mess in my mind and I'm not sure what to do. I guess the best thing I can do is go to bed, pack when I feel ready and get on that plane to Omaha and see what happens.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


As one may have noticed, (or not noticed since I don't tell anyone about this blog, and its just kind of a place for me to splatter my thoughts everywhere) I don't update this blog very much. Its not to say I don't want to, I actually think of things that I want to say all the time, but then I get distracted or don't feel like I have enough to say or can't finish my thoughts, or I don't know if my thoughts are publishable. Therefore it ends up with one post a month (if I'm lucky). I'm going to try to start doing better in preparation for my Grand Worthy Advisor's blog, because I hope that I can update that one on an event to event basis. As in go to an event then write a blog, that way the website stays completely up to date with my travels.

Its so weird to say that. Pretty much any time I talk about myself like that, about next year about me being GWA it weirds me out a little bit. I'm an only child (I accidentally typed chile first, I'm an only chile teehee) so I like the spotlight to a certain extent, but most of the time I'm not very good at being the center of attention, I'm not good at letting people make a fuss over me. I feel like I'm not worth it I guess. So I think it is going to be hard for me to balance and know when its appropriate for me to just let people recognize me for my accomplishments. I'm going to make an attempt to keep my self grounded, especially this year when I'm making all of my plans and getting things all set up, to not let myself get too high and mighty. It will especially be important next year. I'm going to try and be really nice to my page and make sure that she knows that she is amazing and I appreciate all of the work that she does.

With that being said, I'm getting really excited. It was really important to me to have everything set for my presentation at Grandie Retreat before I left for Supreme. Now its all set and Mrs. Smith has approved it all and I'm really happy with my first choice and my second choice plans. I love love love my mascot, he is soooo cute, that is why I am hiding him even from myself. (He is in a bag under my desk) That way I can focus on doing everything I can to make this year with Dreamer (my turtle) a great year.

I'm getting hungry so its food time, I'm going to attempt to write more often, so you who stumble on this blog don't be strangers, okay?