Saturday, July 24, 2010


As one may have noticed, (or not noticed since I don't tell anyone about this blog, and its just kind of a place for me to splatter my thoughts everywhere) I don't update this blog very much. Its not to say I don't want to, I actually think of things that I want to say all the time, but then I get distracted or don't feel like I have enough to say or can't finish my thoughts, or I don't know if my thoughts are publishable. Therefore it ends up with one post a month (if I'm lucky). I'm going to try to start doing better in preparation for my Grand Worthy Advisor's blog, because I hope that I can update that one on an event to event basis. As in go to an event then write a blog, that way the website stays completely up to date with my travels.

Its so weird to say that. Pretty much any time I talk about myself like that, about next year about me being GWA it weirds me out a little bit. I'm an only child (I accidentally typed chile first, I'm an only chile teehee) so I like the spotlight to a certain extent, but most of the time I'm not very good at being the center of attention, I'm not good at letting people make a fuss over me. I feel like I'm not worth it I guess. So I think it is going to be hard for me to balance and know when its appropriate for me to just let people recognize me for my accomplishments. I'm going to make an attempt to keep my self grounded, especially this year when I'm making all of my plans and getting things all set up, to not let myself get too high and mighty. It will especially be important next year. I'm going to try and be really nice to my page and make sure that she knows that she is amazing and I appreciate all of the work that she does.

With that being said, I'm getting really excited. It was really important to me to have everything set for my presentation at Grandie Retreat before I left for Supreme. Now its all set and Mrs. Smith has approved it all and I'm really happy with my first choice and my second choice plans. I love love love my mascot, he is soooo cute, that is why I am hiding him even from myself. (He is in a bag under my desk) That way I can focus on doing everything I can to make this year with Dreamer (my turtle) a great year.

I'm getting hungry so its food time, I'm going to attempt to write more often, so you who stumble on this blog don't be strangers, okay?

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